July 7

Linda Talks Twitter Basics On Marlow FM

Marketing, News, Social Media


CubeSocial CEO Linda Cheung in the Marlow FM StudioBy Rewan Tremethick

On Monday this week, Linda talked Twitter basics with Christina Bachini on Marlow FM’s Biz Buzz hour. Answering Christina’s questions and those of the listeners, Linda covered the issues of getting started on Twitter, the integrity of the social platform, and how to go about joining conversations, gaining followers and building relationships.

For those of you pressed for time, some highlights…

  • Social media is just another way to communicate. It’s simply another way to talk, as with phones, email or face-to-face conversation.
  • When starting on Twitter, follow some people you already know and have a relationship with – your LinkedIn contacts for example. See how and what they Tweet about until you feel comfortable that you understand the medium.
  • During Linda’s initial ‘Lurk and Learn’ Jonathan Ross’ tweets highlighted the business value of Twitter, by demonstrating how Twitter could be used for customer engagement, research and care.

For more tips and greater depth, listen to the edited interview:

Linda Interview Marlow FM 04.07.11 by CubeSocial

About the author 


Sales and Marketing assistant at CubeSocial. Apsiring author with 2:1 BA Hons in Creative Writing. Stand up comic. www.cubesocial.com

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