October 11

Twitter and Facebook Demographics

Marketing, Social Media


I found this really great infographic in my RSS feed this week. The data is probably a year out of date (Twitter supposedly now have 200m users, Facebook 800m) but some interesting things here nonetheless.

  • There are more school kids on Facebook, more graduates on Twitter.
  • Facebook users are more likely to follow a brand, but Twitter users are more likely to buy from a brand they follow.
  • There are more women than men on both services.
  • Facebook users are more likely to login everyday, but Twitter users are more likely to post new updates everyday.


About the author 

Mark Bower

Co-founder of Basingstoke startup @CubeSocial. Windows Azure developer, some-time blogger, social media geek & northerner down south. Google Profile

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  1. That’s a great infographic! Although I’ve often thought about who uses Facebook and who Twitter, but this is the first time I’ve actually seen it in print!

    I#ll be using some of this in my presentations.

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