September 20

How to Add a Twitter Header Image

Branding, Marketing


This week Twitter rolled out an update to its web and mobile apps to add Facebook-like profile header images. The header image is a custom background that appears at the top of your profile page, like this one we’ve added for CubeSocial:


Once you’ve added a profile image it’s visible on your Twitter page via web, iPad, iPhone and Android apps.  For businesses this is a great way to increase the branding of their page.

To add a profile image of your own click the cog icon on the top right of your Twitter page then click Edit Profile.

Next click Design on the left-hand menu.  In the section labelled Customize your own you’ll see the default header image is a dark grey box. Upload your image (ideally the image should be 1200 x 600 pixels in size).  You’ll see the image in the box change immediately, but beware your header image won’t actually be saved until you click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

That’s it! Enjoy.

About the author 

Mark Bower

Co-founder of Basingstoke startup @CubeSocial. Windows Azure developer, some-time blogger, social media geek & northerner down south. Google Profile

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  1. Hi, I tried this but the image won’t save, any ideas why? I have the grey box, uploaded the pic, hit save in the upload box but nothing happens, then hit save changes in the overall window, didn’t work. I’d appreciate your input, could be that it has not rolled out to me yet.

    1. When you hit save in the upload box, you should see the preview in the little grey box. If that’s not happening for you, you could try a different image, or different browser to see if that helps. If not, then maybe Twitter have a bug at the moment.

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