#EENsocial workshop Startup Your Social Media – 28th February 2018, BASE Bordon Innovation Centre
Delighted to be delivering this Enterprise Europe Network workshop for Oxford Innovation next week ?
It’s an by-invitation event which has generated lots of queries so here’s a quick roundup. If you send a quick hello@cubesocial.com the team can keep you posted about when/where I’m speaking next. In the meantime, do join the conversation with #EENsocial
Don’t know your ‘like’ from your ‘hashtag’? Got a LinkedIn account, but not sure how to get the most out of it? Use Twitter in your personal life, but not sure how it works in a business context?
It is well established that effective networking is crucial to startup and scaleup. It is also clear how omnipresent social media is to digital presence. But many of us are still not bringing the two together strategically to maximise the value of business networking and profiling via social media.
At its heart, business is about relationships, and relationships are built on conversations. Conversations first became virtual via letters, then telephones, faxes, emails… and now social media.
Can you imagine telling an important contact that you don’t have email? Can you imagine their reaction? Many will now look at you in the same way if you don’t have a human (rather than company) Twitter account!
This workshop will help you to identify and optimise the social media platforms that are most appropriate for you. We will begin with a presentation on social media business context and best practices. This will be followed by interactive session on delegates’ social media objectives, and a review of selected participants’ online profiles and activity.
There will also be opportunity for peer-learning and networking, creating and updating social media profiles, and drafting and sharing social media content live with support.
Event Objectives
Strategic business understanding and use of social media, including:
(1) identifying which social media platforms are most appropriate;
(2) building and optimising profiles; and
(3) effectively networking via social media.